“Well, I try to study, but most of the times I fail at that. But, overall, I just look in the Blackboard. It helps me a lot with the reviews and chapter contents that it comes in, depending on the class it is.”
Juan Camacho
Electrical engineering freshman
“[I] usually do, like, study groups and stuff, ’cause I really can’t study by myself. So, I usually need someone to help me out like with studying, like, they test me and stuff like that.”
Ana Bautista
Early childhood education sophomore
“Hago notes y luego las repaso en mi mente, y luego las estudio … como si yo [estuviera] dando la clase. Y así es como yo me aprendo lo que debo de estudiar para el midterm”.
Jonathan Ovando
Theatre freshman
“Reading a lot and just keeping myself up all the time. ’Cause I don’t really–I can’t stay focused, so I usually just read a lot and snap myself out of everything and just read. And that’s honestly it. I read a lot.”
Alondra Garcia
Nursing freshman