The Hidalgo County Commissioners Court voted Tuesday to postpone May elections for municipalities and schools due the COVID-19 outbreak.
With Hidalgo County Judge Richard F. Cortez and all four precinct commissioners present at the special meeting, they voted in favor of rescheduling May elections for November 2020.
The agenda item also states that the Hidalgo County Elections Department will not conduct a May 2 election for any political subdivision. A political subdivision that decides to hold its election on May 2 will be responsible for administering it.
The Commissioners Court took action in accordance with Governor Abbott’s disaster declaration and his March 18 proclamation on postponing elections.
After the vote took place, Hidalgo County Elections Administrator Yvonne Ramón informed the judge and commissioners that the May 26 primary runoff elections will be postponed until July 14.
The Commissioners Court also voted unanimously to suspend normal operations of the county and its offices and departments from March 30 to April 27 due to COVID-19.
County elected officials and department heads will determine how many employees must stay so essential functions of county government may continue.
“This is a necessary step to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus in Hidalgo County,” Cortez said in a news release issued after the meeting. “As we continue to say, the best defense against the spread of this highly contagious disease is to stay at home.”