The Kappa Sigma fraternity at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley has been suspended following media reports that members allegedly fired rifles in an Alton-area ranch early today, university officials say.
“The safety of our students is a top priority for UTRGV, and we take these matters very seriously,” Patrick Gonzales, assistant vice president of University Marketing and Communications, said in a statement released tonight. “UTRGV is conducting its own investigation to ensure that this situation is handled appropriately. Consistent with our policies, the organization’s operations will be suspended for the duration of the investigation.”
According to KGBT-TV Channel 4, police cited four people after fraternity brothers started firing rifles in the ranch early this morning.
“We’re beginning our investigation,” Gonzales said. “As you know, it happened this morning, so it hasn’t even been 24 hours. … We’re taking the matter very seriously, that’s why we’re investigating it, and to make sure we take the proper measures.”
The Rider tried to obtain information about the fraternity from the Office of Student Involvement but a staff member there said he would have to check what information could be released. He referred The Rider to Gonzales.
Kappa Sigma’s V Link has been turned off momentarily, said Abraham Villarreal, a program specialist for the Office of Student Involvement.
The fraternity has more than 40 members on record, Gonzales said. UTRGV has 15 Greek organizations.