Andrea Torres | Reporter
A resolution presented to the Student Government Association would allow Zone 1 and 2 permit holders to park in Zone 3 after 5 p.m. on weekdays.
“We’re trying to modify our policy, which states that after 7 p.m. Monday through Friday you can pretty much park in any of the spots unless otherwise specified,” Florentino Saenz, author of Resolution No. 1 and SGA secretary of Campus Life and Community Affairs, told the senate last Friday.
Zone 2 parking spots will also be opened after 5 p.m. on weekdays for Zone 1 permit holders, according to the resolution.
In other business, the senate tabled the bill related to the student travel fund guidelines after no consensus was reached.
After reviewing Student Bill No. 1, for more than two weeks, the Internal Affairs Committee placed it on the agenda without a proposed amendment.
The original bill called for reducing the travel fund application deadlines from quarterly to semi-annually.
Alberto Adame, a senator for the Vackar College of Business and Entrepreneurship and author of the bill, said the committee should not have amended the bill while it was still under review.
Internal Affairs Committee Chair Denisce Palacios quoted Section 5.02 of the SGA constitution, which states, “The chair of the senate shall forward legislation introduced to the chairperson of a Student Senate committee that … could be better suited to review the legislation to recommend approval to the student senate as a whole.”
“Review, by definition, means to look at and make changes as necessary,” Palacios said. “The committee met and unanimously decided to make changes and this is what we approved. If you would like to make changes on the senate floor, that is up to you.”
The deadlines for the travel funds, however, will remain the same for the rest of the semester. The application period for Quarter Two opens today and closes Dec. 15. For more information on how to apply to for travel funding, visit the SGA V Link page.