Name: Rodrigo Del Pozo
Sport: Tennis
Classification: Sophomore
Major: Psychology
Age: 20
Hometown: Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Who is your favorite athlete? “Tony Romo, because he’s always been underrated and I think he’s a pretty good player. He’s always working hard and I look up to him because even though he’s not considered the best player, he’s always trying to get better. I feel that if I do the same thing, try to get better, I’ll be a better player.”
Who is your role model? “My dad, because he’s always doing everything extra. He does things he shouldn’t even do and it just motivates me to be a better person.”
What was the best advice you’ve been given and by whom? “I think by my dad. He said to never look down even if you’re defeated. Just keep moving forward and just work hard.”
What’s your favorite place to hang out on campus? “Probably, the library because I just go hang out with my friends there and study a little.”
What are your academic goals? “I want to graduate and get a good job and maybe go on to get my master’s.”
How do you feel about being part of this team? “I feel good. I feel like I can bring some good weapons to the team and, hopefully, it does what I want to.”
What are your personal goals for this season? “For me, try to win as many matches as possible and try to help my team out. Try to help them win conference.”
–Compiled by Sarah Carvajal