A much-needed break

3 min read

It’s crazy how we are about to hit the two-year mark of this worldwide pandemic. When I first heard about COVID-19, I chose to not think much of it, and now we can’t go a day without hearing the word. 

But anyway, enough of that talk.  Spring break is coming up and I think it’s safe to say it’s a well-needed break for all of us. Although my mind is full with the possibilities of what to do during this break, a part of me is thrilled with the thought of getting to sleep past 8 a.m. 

Although I’m probably hallucinating, thinking I can go a whole week without worrying about school, especially with Blackboard notifications popping up on my phone screen several times a day, I really want to take this break to reflect on the things I have prioritized this past year. Recently, it seems like life is moving too fast.

With so many deadlines on my mind, I rarely have time to worry about all the other things I told myself I would accomplish this year, so I think spring break is a great opportunity to sit down and see where I stand in life.

Just recently, I got hired for my second part-time job. It’s accomplishments like this that make me realize how far I’ve come since high school graduation, the shift my mindset has made ever since walking into the “real world.”

 Today, I got asked what I was planning to do during my spring break. Usual answers are things such as going out of town, partying, etc., but my answer to that was just rest. 

Life for college students can become overwhelming at times, especially when hearing the number of exams and things I have to do before graduation. So, thank God for whoever created this week midway through our spring semesters. Just know we all appreciate it. 

I’m also planning to use this time to get back to the routines I had before I started my fall semester last year: Go to the gym, eat healthier, go over my daily schedule and rearrange it to a better one, and by that, I mean having an earlier bedtime. 

There is time for everything, they say. And I mean, sure, 24 hours does seem like enough, but sometimes we lose track of time, so I think sitting down and planning out a routine is a good way to keep up with it. 

I guess it looks like I’m actually planning to do several things during my spring break, after all. But that, to me, is “rest,” resting from the things I do right now to find the time to include all the other things I wish to do as well. 

Maybe this is not the ideal spring break to all. I might even sound “lame” to my high-school self right now.  But this is how I want to spend my spring break. Let’s all enjoy it the way we want to. After all, we owe it to ourselves to do so.

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