The first thing that comes to your mind when you think of an alien is probably a green creature.
One or three eyes, flies around in a giant thing somewhere in the universe.
That’s correct, but I’m here! It’s me, I’m the alien.
“The term ‘alien’ means any person not a citizen or national of the United States,” according to the United States Code Title 8.
They don’t know what it’s like to be an alien, to leave home with the risk of never finding a home again.
I’m split between two lands, I’m becoming a bridge between two homes.
But can I even call it home here? Because, you know, I have an expiration date.
Even though I have put all my mind, body and soul on working toward getting to this point in my life, my future is uncertain.
Am I doing all of this for nothing? Am I wasting my parents’ money? Am I ever going to live the life I’ve always wished for?
Part of my future is in the hands of the 78-year-old white man who is in charge of this country.
If I’m here, I’m “poisoning the blood” of HIS country, Trump said in a Dec. 16, 2023, New Hampshire rally.
“They’re not humans, they’re animals,” he said on April 2, 2024, in a Michigan campaign event.
So, I am an alien. I don’t belong here.
Do you know how easy others have it? That question ponders in my mind all the time.
I know I’m not the only one going through this right now. I know I’m not the only person looking at their loved one with teary eyes scared to step outside.
Even though I’m not in the same position as other fellow immigrants, I feel your pain.
I’m just a student working and studying to accomplish her dream of being successful and making a name for herself.
I had to listen to my uncle, who was once an immigrant, who 20 years ago left his home country looking for a better life, tell me to my face, “I think it’s good this is happening. There’s a lot of people who are here without papers.”
Are you listening to yourself? I am, too, looking for a better future. I am, too, going to be affected.
There are 20 million people who are going to go through deportation, they are “aliens” like me.
Humans that have worked and fought for their lives and for the “American Dream.”
Families are going to be torn apart for this reason.
They’re just looking for a better way of life to support their families and I just want to make my parents proud.
If you know someone who is going through fear because of this, help them feel safe and stick by their side.
Think about me and others in my position when you’re the one making decisions for the people that are in this country and can’t speak up.