Cinnabon president to speak
Kat Cole, president and chief operations officer of Cinnabon, will speak via video broadcast on “Impact: The Art of Change Trust and Influence,’’ at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Main Building’s Salón Cassia on the Brownsville campus. Cole, also a philanthropist, is one of Fortune magazine’s “40 under 40.” The event is sponsored by the National Society of Leadership and Success. For more information, visit www.societyleadership.org.
Health and Wellness Series
A presentation, titled “Anatomy of Sex,” will take place from noon to 1 p.m.Wednesday in Cortez Hall 118 on the Brownsville campus. The session is part of the Health and Wellness Series sponsored by the Counseling Center. For more information, call 882-3897.
Music of Carl Seale
“Music of Carl Seale: A Chamber Recital” will take place at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the John H. Shary Room of the University Library on the Edinburg campus. Performers will include friends, colleagues and former students of Seale, who taught in the Music Department at University of Texas Rio Grande Valley legacy institution UT Pan American from 1971 until his retirement in 2001. An exhibit featuring many of Seale’s scores will be on display in the library lobby through April 2016.
Adviser Workshop Series
A session, titled “Resilience Training,” will take place from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. Friday in Main Building room 1.502 onthe Brownsville campus. The session is part of the Adviser Workshop Series sponsored by the Office of Student Involvement. For more information,call 882-5111.
Nuts 4 Nutrition
The Infant and Family Nutrition Agency will host the sixth annual Nuts 4 Nutrition 1 Mile Fun-Run/Walk and 5K Race on March 5 in the Brownsville Sports Park. Race fees are $15 for adults, $10 for children, $10 for adult group participants and $8 for child group participants. To register, visit the agency’s office at 1225 Boca Chica Blvd. in Brownsville, visit Rx Running at 3001 Pablo Kisel Blvd., Suite L, or visit ifnargv.org/n4n-registration. For additional information, call 541-9250 or email ifnargv@gmail.com.
UTRGV Theatre Alumni reunion
The UTRGV Theatre Department will host a reunion of theatre alumni March 6 in Edinburg. Former students, faculty and fans are invited to a full day of reunion activities, starting with a reunion lunch, attendance at the 7:30 p.m. performance of “The Miracle Worker” and culminating with after-play parties. For more information, email Elva Galvan, UTRGV theatre manager, at elva.galvan@utrgv.edu.
Entrepreneurship summer program
The University of Texas System is accepting applications from students in all 14 institutions for the Student Entrepreneurship Fellowship, a five-week summer program from May 31 to July 1 at the IC2 Institute in Austin. The fellowship offers 20 two-person student teams the opportunity to learn from nationally recognized faculty, instructors and facilitators, and will utilize evidence-based entrepreneurship methodologies to test their business concepts. The deadline to apply for the tuition-free training program is March 14. Early admission is Feb. 29. Students may apply at www.ic2.utexas.edu/sef. For more information, email IC2 Program Manager Aprille Raabe at SEF@lc2.utexas.edu or call Ken Ma in the University Affiliates Department at (512)499-4778.
Looking for volunteers
The Cameron County Children’s Advocacy Center is looking for volunteers for its San Benito and Brownsville locations. The center is a nonprofit organization that advocates for and serves child victims of abuse. For more information, call Elsa Garcia,volunteer coordinator/community educator, at 361-3313.
Graduation application deadlines
Students who plan to graduate in Fall 2016 must submit their application by May 1. For more information, contact the Graduate College at 665-3661 or email gradcollege@utrgv.edu.
Free flu shots
UTRGV Health Services will administer free flu shots for students from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at its clinics, located in Cortez Hall 237 on the Brownsville campus and at 613 N. Sugar Rd. on the Edinburg campus. For more information, call Office Assistant Beverly Estrada at 882-3896.
Peace of mind yoga sessions
Learn how to manage stress levels and do various types of yoga exercises from 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday on the Brownsville Student Union lawn. The event is sponsored by the Student Government Association. For more information, call 882-5937.
Social-confidence group
The UTRGV Counseling Center hosts a social-confidence group, “Reveal Yourself,” from 3 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays in Cortez Hall 118 on the Brownsville campus. For more information, call 882-3897.
A group therapy session for females by females, titled “Growing and Loving Ourselves” (G.A.L.S), takes place from noon to 1 p.m. each Monday in Cortez Hall 220 on the Brownsville campus. For more information, call the UTRGV Counseling Center at 882-3897.
The LGBTQ Group meets at 4 p.m. each Tuesday in University Center 306A on the Edinburg campus. Meetings are facilitated by experienced counselors and discussion is driven by concerns and needs of the group. For more information, call the UTRGV Counseling Center at 665-2574.
–Compiled by Monica Gudiño