Arrest made in sexual assault case

3 min read

Updated 4:49 p.m. March 4

The suspect in a sexual assault case that was reported last week was arrested Monday and arraigned Tuesday in the Edinburg Municipal Court, according to University Police.

At 3:26 a.m. Feb. 14, a female student reported being sexually assaulted by a male student at Unity Hall on the Edinburg campus, according to the UTRGV Police Department administrative report.

Hidalgo County jail records and the probable cause affidavit state the incident occurred Feb. 10.

The Rider filed a public information request Wednesday with the Edinburg Municipal Court to obtain the probable cause affidavit.

After the report was made, Sgt. Francisco J. Lopez met with the victim in the UTRGV Police Department interview room and conducted a victim’s interview, the probable cause affidavit states.

On Feb. 21, 2022, the victim met with Sgt. Lopez and provided a statement in which she stated she is willing to file proper criminal charges against the man.

On Wednesday, Assistant Chief of Police Van Slusser confirmed via email to The Rider that an arrest was made in the case.

Christian Anthony Rios, 20, of McAllen, was arraigned Tuesday on a charge of sexual assault, a second-degree felony. Hidalgo County jail records state that the Rios’ cash/surety bond was set at $25,000 with a disposition of an attorney signature bond.

The Rider asked Slusser why a Timely Warning notification was not issued regarding the case.

“For those types of offenses, we evaluate it at the time to decide whether or not we will send out a Timely Warning,” Slusser said. “And one of the criteria for sending out a Timely Warning is whether or not there’s a continuing threat to the campus community. In this case, we determined that there wasn’t because we had already apprehended the suspect. He was a known person and we didn’t believe that there was risk to the university community at large.”

Douglas Stoves, associate dean of students for Student Rights and Responsibilities, told The Rider he could not confirm any details about the suspect in the case.

“The reason that I can’t is because that is something that is not only protected by [the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act] but by the Title IX process that requires confidentiality,” Stoves said.

Asked what the university’s procedure is in handling consequences of sexual assault, Stoves referred The Rider to the UTRGV Handbook of Operating Procedures for Sexual Misconduct.

A hearing officer will determine potential discipline for student offenders under UTRGV’s Handbook of Operating Procedures for Sexual Misconduct. Possible sanctions and remedies include:

–Educational training.

–Disciplinary probation.

–Bar against readmission, bar against enrollment, drop from one or more classes or withdrawal from UTRGV.

–Denial of degree.

–Expulsion (permanent separation from UTRGV). Expulsion creates a permanent notation on the student’s academic transcript.

–Revocation of degree and withdrawal of diploma.

The Rider also filed a public information request with the university last Thursday, asking to inspect and obtain copies of public records, specifically the police report, supplemental report and any law enforcement narratives regarding the case.

The university has 10 business days to respond.

On Feb. 25, the university replied to The Rider’s public information request. However, no new information was presented in the documents.

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