Danielle Perez | THE RIDER
Aries-The new month is here to bring you the clarity you have been waiting for. It will allow you to heal from certain wounds you have not dealt with. Do not be afraid when it happens, but rather accept and move forward with your life. Start a new plan and do not look back.
Leo-April is going to be a good month because fortune and health will make its way toward you and your family. However, let it happen naturally and do not force things. Sometimes things happen best when we least expect it. Remember, do not count your chickens before they hatch.
Sagittarius-Although your bank account may be drier than ever, do not lose hope. Sometimes we need to waste money to have fun. After all, life is too short to live with regret. So, be proud of taking that vacation and spending that extra money on yourself.
Libra-The last few days have been exciting and have you thinking about your future. Be sure to communicate your feelings or any last words that you have been meaning to say to someone. Be truthful and stay real, just as you have always been.
Gemini-After working hard these past months, April will bring you what you deserve. Now is the time to sit back and watch what comes to you. Be grateful and proud of your achievements and reflect on who you are becoming.
Aquarius-Major change is happening this month. So, be prepared for the unexpected. Ground yourself with positive thoughts when this turnaround happens. Do not let it get the best of you. Afterall, it is what needs to happen in order to reach your destination.
Scorpio-A new chapter in your life is about to begin. Take this opportunity to start fresh the way you always wanted without any regrets. Give yourself permission to go after what your heart desires. Feel your way through this new journey and enjoy it.
Pisces-The universe wants you to start being more free with yourself and the choices you make. Learn to live in the moment instead of living in regret. Time is precious, so go out and create memories that will stick with you forever.
Cancer-Continue working on the project that has been sitting on your desk since long ago. Avoid starting things and not finishing them. You have the power to create something amazing. Figure out your schedule and find the right time to solely work on them.
Taurus-Being comfortable is what people look forward to in life. However, being too comfortable is a problem. It is time to make a switch in a situation and grow from it instead. Advancing in life is greater than staying at the same level.
Virgo-Empower yourself to make a bold decision that is beneficial for the greater good. This transition will encourage you to start thinking ahead and leave what does not serve you behind. Be brave and take the chance now before it is too late.
Capricorn-Learning how to deal with stressful situations is not your best trait. Make sure to learn how to take care of emotions in the best way possible and prevent keeping them within. Instead, make it easier by taking it a step at a time.