Aries-Spending time with friends is a good way to heal from old wounds. From time to time, the soul requires laughter and good times to keep growing. Make an effort to socialize with people who are filled with great energy and make you feel better. Soon you’ll feel the improvement.
Leo-Reconcile with old friends this week by catching them up on news you’ve been waiting to share. Make plans to keep meeting every now and then to maintain the friendship. Avoid feeling like a lone wolf and start reuniting with your pack. Friends are essential to help navigate through life.
Sagittarius-As time passes by, the doubt in your life is starting to fade. Be patient and positive in what you decide to achieve. The universe wants you to prioritize your to-do list before you start to focus on other things. Keep the momentum alive by being constant every day from here on out.
Libra-Time will heal the unknown in the next week. Don’t be afraid to spend time alone to reflect on your past and determine what changes you’d like to make in the future. New opportunities will start to rise, and strong connections will be made. Be patient.
Gemini-If you are unsure about having certain individuals in your life, start to think about what kind of friends they are. Determine whether these connections should be part of your life or not. It is OK to cut off others who aren’t there for you as much as you are for them.
Aquarius-A secret you’ve been keeping from others is starting to become too much for you to hide. Therefore, confront who you need to tell, and be honest about the situation. Be the friend you’d want others to be for you. Whatever happens, remind yourself you did the right thing.
Scorpio-Soon you will have an encounter with someone who will change how you perceive things. When this connection makes an appearance, don’t shy away from it. Take in everything they have to say and consider how it can be applied in your life.
Pisces-Instead of hiding your achievements, take pride in them. Of course, don’t brag about your work but rather, show people what you are capable of. Sometimes people need recognition to feel solidified in their field. Encourage others to do the same.
Cancer-Refrain from having many items in your shopping carts or in your mental notes. Go out and buy what you want or take the trip you’ve been planning. Purchasing items or going on a vacation you’ve been anticipating can help create new energy that will benefit you.
Taurus-Although reaching out to people can be intimidating, at times we need to push ourselves to do so. If this effort will benefit you, don’t get caught up in your feelings. It is OK to reconnect with friends or to ask others for help. At the end of the day, everything is worth a shot.
Virgo-Take a moment to reflect on what you want to achieve in your future, then make certain decisions that can help lead you there. Be open-minded and selfish when determining things for yourself. You are in control of where you want to be and what you want to do, so take action.
Capricorn-This week will be very eventful, so try to keep your composure and remind yourself of your purpose. Don’t let what happens or what others have to say set you back. Be true and authentic by holding the power within you.