Astrology Rider: Week of Jan. 31

4 min read

Aries-It is about time you realize your self-worth. Get rid of all bad energy and motivate yourself to do better and focus on yourself. This is your wake-up call so take advantage of it and start making your mark. A new path is now making its way toward you.  

Leo-Time seems to be stuck in slow motion and you seem to be getting impatient but know that you are actually moving slow and steady. It is OK to tune into all situations before making a final decision. Sometimes laying low and making slow progress is better than being fast and irrational. 

Sagittarius-Spirit wants you to know that what you are waiting for is coming. Stop feeling hopeless and start taking it easy. All that you are manifesting will reach you. What is meant to happen will happen. It is not worth dwelling on the unknown. 

Libra-Many uncertainties have been on your mind lately, but it is important to focus on the real goal  you want to achieve. You are being asked to hold on and not give up on your purpose as you are being tested by the universe. Do not worry, this is meant to show you how to fight for what you want. 

Gemini-A relationship will begin to blossom or perhaps already has. This connection will show you more than you expected and you will flourish from it despite the outcome of it. Be yourself and remember to give the love you want to receive. 

Aquarius-Time is of the essence and you need to decide your next move. You have had a lot of time to think  yet have not acted upon anything. Keep in mind that no matter what you choose or whatever happens, you are always being guided by your angels. 

Cancer-Your life is now becoming a routine and it is time to spice it up. Take control of  life instead of letting life control you. Remember, our destiny is in our hands and we can shape it anyway we want it to be. Go out with friends and have fun. You need it.

Scorpio-An old connection is coming back into your life and offering you an opportunity at something you have been needing. However, it is important to be patient and to be aware of this offering before you jinx yourself out of it. 

Pisces-Tough times are meant to shape us so do not lose sight of who you are. It could be a difficult process but with your love and affection it will get easier. Moments like these are the ones that stay with you forever. Stay strong and positive. 

Taurus-Having fun is something we all need in life but having a little too much fun can be dangerous. Be careful who you surround yourself with and the places you go. Try to befriend people with goals and motivation and support each other to the end. This energy can transfer and help you figure yourself out.

Virgo-Self-care is at the top of your list and, although this is a good thing, it is OK to make time for other things. Remember your goals and when you want to achieve them. Once you have done so, find the balance between and everything will come full circle. 

Capricorn-Looking out for yourself is a good thing, we need to keep ourselves in check at all times. Remember that energy well because soon it will be tested by the universe and you may let your guard down. Take charge and think about situations thoroughly before you act upon them. 

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