Aries-After the storm, there is always a rainbow. Do not be fooled by all the hardships you have been going through. It all exists for a reason and will lead you to happiness and success. Spirit is trying to clear the path for you by making you stronger every day.
Leo-The plans you have will come to fruition sooner than expected. Keep rising above and take care of your future. Demand what is right for you. Realize what is working for you and what isn’t. Don’t let your hard work go down the drain because others did not match it.
Sagittarius-The world is in the palm of your hand, but it doesn’t mean a thing until you change it. Start taking it more seriously and go after what you dream of. It will require strength, but it is nothing you don’t already have. Afterward, you will see everything start to fall into place.
Libra-A difficult situation may arise but stay calm. It will all work out. Sometimes, some things need to fall apart before they come back stronger. Spirit wants you to keep this close to heart and remember, there is a purpose for everything.
Gemini-Patience is what is driving you crazy. Try to be collected and think positively about what is happening. Avoid hiding and isolating yourself as it may not be good for the soul. Try to do some soul-searching and realize what you need to feel powerful again.
Aquarius-Every week that goes by makes your work seem to go unnoticed. Reflect back on your actions that cause you to feel this way. However, don’t be too harsh because soon you will receive great news and a celebration attached to it, making you realize it was all in your head.
Scorpio-Lately, you have been feeling positive and radiant with great energy. This feeling is hard to come by; therefore, it is important to grasp it and keep it within. Having this kind of outlook will make things easier for you.
Pisces-Juggling between two life-changing decisions can be difficult to handle. This situation has you feeling pressured and unable to do anything else. Take a deep breath, consider what is at stake and let the universe guide you. Tune into your emotions and let everything else go.
Cancer-Frustration is building up inside and tears are ready to start flowing. Let your heart breathe and your mind rest by allowing these emotions to come through you. Recall all the happy moments and let the joy back into your world.
Taurus-A time of relaxation is deeply needed in your life. Find a spot of availability in your calendar and do it. Don’t let what is happening in the outside world keep you from it. Take care of yourself before taking care of others.
Virgo-A certain situation may have hurt you so deeply that it will take some time to recover. Be careful to not let this feeling be permanent and consider walking away from it since nothing else can be done. Accept this fate and move forward to a new, happy beginning.
Capricorn-Delays are necessary when trying to reach goals. Sometimes, other things get in the way so you are set back. Instead of being upset by it, try using the time to figure other things out. This will provide the security you need in order to reach the outcome.