Astrology Rider: Week of Nov. 29

5 min read

Aries-This semester has challenged you in ways you did not expect, but you found ways to make it special nonetheless. You are on the right track and will get to where you want to be soon enough. Remember to not be so hard on yourself. 

Taurus-The end of the semester means you are one step closer to Christmas, your favorite time of year because you appreciate gifts and being spoiled by the ones you love. Just trek through the next few weeks and you will get your time to bask in the finer things. Someone who cares for you has the perfect gift waiting under the tree for you. 

Gemini-Being educated is something you hold in high regard, especially for yourself. With Gemini’s determination to learn, it is not unlikely that many of you will be graduating this December. Know that you will find purpose outside of your student role after you leave the Vaquero halls. A seeker of knowledge like you will always be a student of life no matter your job title. 

Cancer-The winter months make you crave that feeling of safety with your family from when you were a child. Take this holiday break to share more with your loved ones. Good or bad, you know this conversation will make you feel better and closer to them.

Leo-You associate the holidays with your childhood memories because you miss the innocence you had back then. Much like “The Catcher in the Rye,” you feel that innocence should be preserved at all costs and will do whatever it takes to make sure it is not stolen from the children in your life, whether it be a little brother, sister, son, daughter, niece or nephew. The kid in you always tries to make the holiday season special for the little ones in your life. Know that your kindred spirit is appreciated. 

Virgo-As a Virgo you are ruled by the mind, meaning that you appreciate knowledge and are attracted to intellect. As the semester comes to a close the academic in you is always a bit disappointed, but know that the discussions and witty banter you crave can be fed outside the world of academia as well. Pay closer attention to the ones in your life who challenge you to think differently. They may be just what you need. 

Libra-Being the people person you are, you have to be social during the holiday season. While you may feel that you have to cumplir with everyone, remember that the people closest to you always take a backstage seat to your show. This holiday season make them your priority and you might find that you will feel more loved than you thought you could be.

Scorpio-You love the mystery of not knowing what is waiting around the next corner. With the end of another chapter in your life closing, you wait in anticipation to see what life has in store for you. While others may view this as a cool and mysterious characteristic of yours, you are secretly afraid of the wonder. Know that you hold the pen to write your next chapter. The freedom is scary but also excites the adrenaline junky in you. 

Sagittarius-You cannot be tamed by anyone, Sagittarius. You are a wanderer and love to see and experience new places. This holiday break is the perfect time for you to take that trip you have been longing to take. Get yourself out there and live life the way you have always wanted to, like a bird. 

Capricorn-You have big goals and are always pushing the limit to reach them. Know that you do not have to be successful by any standards but your own. The holiday season often makes you feel as though you have to measure yourself up to the others at the dinner table. There are always going to be people who do not get it, but know that the ones who matter are proud of you.

Aquarius-With the semester ending you finally have the space to roam the way you would like to. No schedule, no assignments, just vibes. You are mesmerized by the idea of your future and often need a lot of time to yourself to feel liberated. With the holidays coming up, some people in your life might want you to stick around. This feeling often makes you feel suffocated like a butterfly being trapped in a jar. Try to be better about expressing your feelings when it comes to issues like this. 
Pisces-The end of the semester for you feels like a giant weight lifted off your shoulders. You will finally be able to rest the way you need to. Use this holiday break to recover from the semester and recharge that social battery. This is the perfect time to focus on self-care and look within to present your best self.

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