Astrology Rider: Week of Oct. 3

4 min read

Aries-Take time to appreciate the happy moments in life before it’s too late. Although it can be hard, disregard others’ opinions instead of letting them affect your day. Explore the world around you with friends or a special someone. Allow excitement to create your lifestyle. 

Leo-Your home is not only a place to sleep, eat and relax; it is your safe space. For that reason, keep it tidy by decluttering and organizing items in your room. This will help settle your mind and allow you to be fully  comfortable. Find time in your schedule to make this a daily habit. 

Sagittarius-Despite the stress that September brought to your life, October will bring in some light. This month will focus on the positives in situations. Keep the momentum by knocking things out one-by-one off your to-do list. By doing this you will have more time for adventure. 

Libra-It seems as if you have a lot to make up for and your patience is running out. All your actions seem as if they aren’t making a difference when behind the scenes they are. Keep putting effort in and your issues will start to fade. Make this switch permanent and not just a phase; it will have a positive impact in your life. 

Gemini-Going back and forth can be draining. Figure out what it is that you need and want in your position. Things won’t start to change unless you put some effort and action into it. Be smart with your decisions before you make a mistake that leads to deep regret. 

Aquarius-This week, spirit is highlighting the financial stability in your life. Be aware of where your money goes and how much of it does. Develop a system that satisfies your needs and wants. Acting out of greed can become a problem if you do not stop yourself soon enough. 

Scorpio-Take this new month as a fresh start and leave whatever happened in the past. Don’t let mistakes get in the way of  opportunities that can flourish into a new beginning. Incorporating this new cycle into your lifestyle will have you achieve greatness. 

Pisces-Whenever you are feeling uneasy, use your creativity to express what you are feeling. This type of therapy can be relaxing and help reset your mindset. It is OK to take small breaks from time-to-time to take care of your mental health. Make an effort to keep this adjustment. 

Cancer-Many of the situations you find yourself in happen because of your choices. Put an end to child-like behaviors and start to be real with yourself. Real change only begins when you become a fully transparent individual. Focus on the outlook rather than what seems enjoyable in the moment. 

Taurus-Taking things steady and easy is the way to address all situations. Lately, you’ve become a master at this mindset, which is great to keep forever. Soon all of your goals will start to project into your future without having to put as much effort. Take things as they are instead of adding more to it. 

Virgo-Making yourself a priority is a weakness of yours. Instead of taking care of others, put yourself first. Take a vacation or spend the day getting pampered. Nothing is wrong with making choices for your benefit. Soon you’ll master self-care, even on the toughest days. 

Capricorn-Some of your family members may be dismissing you due to a particular reason. Even though this may be affecting you, it is best to ignore it. They will come to their senses on their own. Instead, focus on your future career and everything will start to fall into place. 

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