Astrology Rider: Week of Sept. 6

 Aries-Forget about other people’s opinions and focus on what you believe in. Don’t allow this to step in the way of your goals. Remove any negativity from your energy and reinforce the solitude you deserve. Soon you will be back on track with everything lined up waiting for you. 

Leo-Old habits always seem to creep back up when you least expect it. Therefore, be aware of your decisions and behaviors. If you are determined to change these patterns, do not entertain them. The more you do this, the further you push away what the universe has for you.

Sagittarius-It’s time to let go of your old self to become the new version you’ve been dreaming of. Spirit has big plans waiting for you to embrace once you’re ready. Allow yourself to take a big break, if needed, before moving forward in your spiritual journey. 

Libra-Restore your confidence by setting boundaries in your relationships. Refrain from allowing people to get the best of your emotions, as this is weighing you down. After doing this, you will feel refreshed, revealing the impact it had on you. 

Gemini-Instead of blaming others for how you’re currently feeling, try to develop self-awareness. Spirit is trying to encourage you to reflect on your reactions to situations. Sometimes we don’t realize that the outcomes of situations happen due to how we choose to handle it. 

Aquarius-Death is inevitable and a hard subject to comprehend. For that reason, speak to someone you trust about what you are experiencing to release any hidden emotions. Perspective and awareness will be reaching you soon to attain peace of mind. 

Scorpio-Your self-control will be tested this week. Remind yourself to be patient when something arises. Instead of feeling outraged, try a different angle when solving your problems. 

Pisces-Treat this week like never before: Be social, positive and assertive. Changing your attitude on how you go about your day will help improve it. Avoid isolating yourself and being the quiet student in the back of the classroom. Be the spontaneous one. 

Cancer-Although people are testing your limits, do not let it push you overboard. Disconnect yourself from the situation and reflect on it instead. Ask yourself if the stress is worth your time. Value yourself enough to know when to let go. 

Taurus-This week will end on a happy note; therefore, don’t worry about the tasks that are pending on your planner. Soon they will be completed with time to spare for other activities. Take it easy throughout the week and share some laughs while you’re at it. 

Virgo-These next couple of months will be important for your future. Take into consideration everything you learn and people you encounter to see how it can benefit you. Make plans and set new goals that you want to accomplish before the year ends. 

Capricorn-Open yourself to others by offering a helping hand whenever you can. Remember the universe always repays others for the kindness they give out. Spreading good energy will bring positive luck to you and your future. 

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