Name: Hildur Kjartansdóttir
Classification: Sophomore
Major: Kinesiology
Sport: Basketball
Age: 21
Hometown: Stykkishólmur,Iceland
Who is your favorite athlete?
“Elena Delle Donne.”Delle Donne is an American professional basketball player for the Women’s National Basketball Association.
Who is your role model?
“My sisters.”
What is the best advice you’ve been given and by whom?
“From my parents, to stay true to myself.”
Where’s your favorite hangout spot on campus?Why?
“Probably be in the locker room with my teammates. We hang out a lot–chill before and after practice.”
When did you begin playing basketball and why did you start?
“I started playing when I was 8 years old. I started because all my friends were playing, and then I started liking it more and more. Eventually, I had to choose between sports and I chose basketball.”
Did you compete in high school and did you get any awards?
“We don’t have high school basketball where I’m from, so I played for a club team. But I had got some awards through the time I played there.For my junior team, I was MVP for that team. For my senior team, I got best young player.”
What are your academic goals?
“To always do my best. Go to class every day and maintaining my GPA.”
What is your favorite movie?
“The Holiday.”
Where’s your dream vacation?
“Right now, it would be to go home, my home in Iceland.”
How do you feel about being part of the first UTRGV Women’s Basketball Team?
“It feels good. We get to set the standard and make people see what we’re all about.”
–Compiled by Jacqueline Arias