Name: Christian Williams
Sport: Track & Field
Competes in: Multis (Decathlon)
Classification: Junior
Major: Kinesiology
Age: 21
Hometown: McAllen
Who is your favorite athlete? “I have to say Ashton Eaton [USA Track & Field Olympian] just because I think he is the most gifted athlete in the world.”
Who is your role model? “My family, my dad and my grandpa, because they do the right thing all the time and I look up to them.”
What is the best advice you’ve been given and by whom? “I guess it’s been by my dad. He said, ‘You’re not defined as a man by the time of your race, but by your relationship with God,’ so that really stuck with me.”
When did you join track? “I started running in seventh grade, but it didn’t really take off until high school. I guess when we’re that young, we’re always trying to find what we’re good at, so since I was a little better than the rest of my classmates, it became my thing.”
What’s your favorite place to hang out on campus? “We don’t get to do it often because I’m pretty busy, but my friends and I like to go the union and play some pool just to have fun.”
What are your academic goals? “I want to get into medical school to become a physical therapist.”
How do you feel about being part of this team? “It’s a good opportunity. Coach [Xavier Richardson] really reached out and really gave me a shot.”
What are your personal goals for this season? “I’ve been hurt on and off this season, so it’s been kind of hard. I would like to win conference champion, so I’m a little nervous, but that would really make my season.”
–Compiled by Sarah Carvajal