Sophomore Daniela Rosenberger is on the UTRGV Women’s Tennis Team. Rosenberger is from St. Louis, Missouri, and attended Northern Kentucky University before transferring to UTRGV. She is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in graphic design.
Q: What kind of music do you like?
A: “I really like all kinds. I don’t really have a certain artist. I recently just went to the Justin Bieber concert in Cincinnati, so I like Justin Bieber. My teammates have more of the Spanish culture, so I guess since I got here I started listening to more Spanish music.”
Q: Who is one of your role models?
A: “My family. My mom played college tennis growing up. I was hoping to follow her lead with that, which I guess I am.”
Q: Would you want to keep playing tennis or do something with graphic design?
A: “I really want to go into interior designing or some type of designing or film. I don’t really want to stay with tennis. It’s really tiring. So, yeah, I want to do something with design. I really like being creative. I don’t like sitting at a desk all day.”
Q: When did you begin playing tennis?
A: “When I was little, my mom’s side grew up playing tennis, and they owned the club I played at. So, I was literally a baby walking on the courts with my mom. Yeah, I was holding a racket as a baby.”
Q: Do you have a fun fact about yourself?
A: “I played soccer. I played club and in school. I played it also with tennis. So, I would have, like, soccer practice straight to tennis after until, like, 9 p.m. I played [the] ukulele. I performed at my cousin’s wedding. I still kinda play alone.”
–Compiled by Jose Medina