“Ride the Cyclone,” written by Jacob Richmond and Brooke Maxwell, a dark comedic musical that takes audiences...
Eduardo Escamilla
The stage in the Performing Arts Complex on the Edinburg campus was transformed into a vibrant, 1930s...
As debates over censorship and artistic freedom intensify nationwide, Texas artists are confronting a complex legal landscape...
Dance postbaccalaureate student Analisa Ochoa is stepping into the spotlight to choreograph an original musical production for...
“Idle hands are the devil’s workshop” is a maxim a group of film photographers defied in the...
Since opening in June, Ante Books and Creative Studio in McAllen has brought a sense of community...
Entering through the doors of the Cactus Valley Art and Supply Co., bright piñatas hung from the...
The UTRGV Center for Mexican American Studies will host the acclaimed dance company Ballet Nepantla for a...
Bleach Lopez, a creative director from Mission, launched the Creative Social Club this summer, a new initiative...