UTRGV celebrates Earth Fest Debani Alaffa (left), an integrated health science junior, and Abigail Diaz, an art...
Sofia Cantú Sauceda
The Environmental Health, Safety & Risk Management Department will host a household hazardous waste collection open and...
Vaqueros to present original plays Melody Hernandez (left), a theatre performance senior, and Ariana Cruz, a theatre...
ACJA Iota Kappa Chi members Noe Figueroa (left), a criminal justice junior; Kayla Navarro, a criminal justice...
Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño Jr. (left) and U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) perform the ribbon-cutting for...
Brownsville Mayor John Cowen stands next to Andrew Massey, chief financial officer of Lit Communities, during the...
William Brown, a graduate student in the Master’s of Business Administration Program, speaks at Startup Texas, held...
Carina Marques, assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology and the School of Integrative Biological and Chemical...
The UTRGV Career Center hosts the Spring 2024 Career & Internship Expo Thursday at the PlainsCapital Bank El Gran...
The National Science Foundation has awarded a $503,000 grant for research in climate-smart crops to Manohar Chakrabarti,...