2 min read

New UTRGV building in Port Isabel

The UTRGV Coastal Studies complex in Port Isabel has finalized its new operations building, which is expected to open in the upcoming weeks. The new Marine Operations building will facilitate the research the School of[more...]
6 min read

University probationary status recap

[cool-timeline layout="horizontal" show-posts="5" date-format="m/d/Y"] Now that an accrediting agency has removed UTRGV from its probationary status, the university will concentrate on preparing the appropriate documents for reaffirmation in September. Institutions accredited by the Southern Association[more...]

Where’s my money?

A group of student employees has complained to UTRGV top administrators about receiving late paychecks “without notice or explanation.” In a Nov. 5 letter sent to President Guy Bailey, Academic Affairs Executive Vice President Patricia[more...]
7 min read

The waiting game

UTRGV officials are waiting to meet with the new University of Texas System chancellor before making a decision on whether to establish a football program. A feasibility study details the information, research, analysis and recommendations[more...]