Interdisciplinary studies
(special education) junior
“It’s a great week where students can get to know the university life and a great week that gives us students the opportunity to get to know organizations, school departments and also new people! It’s what actually stands out from the semester and really gives you the excitement to start a new semester.”

“The Best Week Ever, en mi opinión, es una semana de eventos muy buena para la comunidad de estudiantes. Está llena de actividades divertidas que ayudan a los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso a sentirse cómodos en su primera semana de escuela”.

Marine biology sophomore
“Well, I mean, I think it really speaks for itself. There’s, like, a bunch of free food and you meet all these new people and I think it’s just really great. It’s a really great icebreaker for all the freshmen that are kind of scared about it. I just, I really like it. It really helped me make a lot of friends last year.”

International business freshman
“Well, I think it’s pretty good. It’s a pretty nice atmosphere. I guess what would make it a little better is to have more students come out here, just enjoy the atmosphere that’s here. I guess the best way is to offer food and just munchies. Maybe to bring out their clubs, like, what they have to offer to the students. That would be a good way.”
–Compiled by Albert Monrroy and Valeria Alanis