Departments across UTRGV launched a campaign last spring semester in order to help decrease the number of people that use their personal transportation devices (PTDs) on the Bronc Trail on the Edinburg campus in an attempt to ensure the safety of everyone.
According to the UTRGV Handbook of Operating Procedures , “Personal transportation riding devices are prohibited from use on covered walkways, breezeways, and pedestrian bridges on all UTRGV campuses.”
University Police Sergeant Fellippe Munoz said in an interview with The Rider that within the last semester the department has been enforcing the rules more often.
“The numbers should slowly start to decrease, which is what we’re looking for, but we’re definitely doing our portion and making sure that we’re enforcing it,” Munoz said. “So with that being said, the numbers do appear to be still at the same unfortunately, but we do want to see it come down.”
Environmental Health, Safety & Risk Management Interim Director Matthew Moncus said two of the most commonly used PTDs on the Bronc Trail have been bicycles and electric scooters.
“So with the increase in the rise of transportation devices on the Bronc Trail, first of all, they’re prohibited,” Moncus said. “They’ve been prohibited for a long time, but we realized that not a lot of people realize they were prohibited and we didn’t have a great alternative for people to get around campus.”
He said UTRGV has created a hike and bike trail around campus primarily for the usage of those devices which reserves the Bronc Trail “just for pedestrian traffic; anyone else who wants to get across or around campus can use the other trail.”
Dean of Students Ismael Amaya talked about the hike and bike trail and what it entails.
“It is going to be the alternative to help keep the pedestrians safe but those who do want that speed and the use of those devices can continue doing so; so they’re safe, pedestrians are safe,” Amaya said. “Unfortunately people have gotten hurt, we want everyone to be safe.”
Moncus said employees and students have been injured by people using PTDs on the Bronc Trail.
“What will likely happen is if we continue to see transportation devices on the Bronc Trail, we will prohibit all of them on campus,” Moncus said. “We have had some injuries. We’ve had employees and students injured by these and that’s just not acceptable; it’s all been due to people riding them on the Bronc Trail.”