If you could be any animal, what would it be and why? “A cat. I have two cats. They look really friendly in their normal environment, but whenever they have to fight or defend their territory, they are like a tiger. They transform into something with attitude. You have both sides, the kindness and the toughness.”
What show or series are you currently into? “I watch ‘Riverdale.’ It’s like a teen show. It’s like mysterious and it’s really interesting.”
Who is your personal hero and why? “Mostly, my family. They are my like my big unit. They are the ones that support me and make me do things that I would not be able to do by myself.”
Who makes you laugh the most on the team? “That’s really easy, Anastasia [Belyaeva]. She’s the funniest girl in the world. She makes the team be fun and happy. Without her, it would be too serious.”
What is the best advice you’ve received recently? “If you have the opportunity, just go for it. Don’t wait, just do it. Because, you never know, it could go well or not, but at least you tried. You will not regret it.”
In your off time, what do you like to do? “I like painting and drawing while I’m listening to music. That’s really relaxing.”
If you had one superpower, what would it be and why? “I would like to read minds, [to] know what people think, just because I want to understand them. I feel, like, everything would be easy if people would just [say what they thought].”
If you weren’t playing tennis, what sport would you be playing? “I think gymnastics. I’m super flexible. My physical coach from Spain always told me that I should do gymnastics.”
You can have one meal with one celebrity, who would you be eating with? “I would like to have a meal with [Roger] Federer. I want to know his experience, his knowledge, everything. Not why he’s so good, but the tough parts. You see players that are so good, but you don’t see the effort and the hard work they did behind that. I would love to learn … the process of everything.”
–Compiled by Gabriel Galvan