If you could be any animal, what would it be and why? “Probably, some type of bird so I can fly somewhere. Anywhere I want. Probably, a bird.”

What show or series are you currently into? “I was into ‘Game of Thrones.’ Finished that. I’m one episode away from finishing a series called ‘Altered Carbon’ on Netflix. It’s a really good show, kinda sci-fi, futuristic type of show.”
Who is your personal hero and why? “My personal hero is probably my dad. Hardest worker I know. Does so much for my family.”
Who makes you laugh the most on the team? “I’ll probably have to go with Matthew Mendoza. He just does something every day that makes me laugh.”
What is the best advice you’ve received recently? “I think it’s the team advice that we’ve gotten from the coach the other day, ‘All we got is all we need.’ I think that’s going to be our motto to get through the rest of the year.”
If a song played every time you walked into a room, what song would that be? “[‘SexyBack’ by] Justin Timberlake.”
On your off time, what do you like to do? “I like to watch Netflix series, read a couple books. I’m reading ‘Basketball and Other Things.’ It’s really funny.”
If you weren’t playing baseball, what sport would you be playing? “Probably, basketball. I like to shoot around. I enjoy watching basketball. I wish I was a little bit taller and athletic to play basketball.”
You can have one meal with one celebrity, what is your meal and who are you eating with? “Probably, Ryan Gosling. Me, personally, I’d be eating a big steak. I don’t know what he would be eating.”
How are you feeling about the season this year? “It’s been a lot of fun. We just came back from our first road trip. I think we grew a lot as a team and team chemistry grew for sure after this road trip. The season is going well. I’m excited for the rest of the games and the rest of the season.”