Beyond The Game

Paul May is a biology junior and thrower on the UTRGV Track and Field Team.

If you could be any animal, what would it be and why? “I would pick an eagle or something, so I can fly and, you know, explore.”

What TV show are you currently into? “I don’t really watch TV too often, but I mean, I like to watch the ‘Rick

Do you have any hidden talents? “I think the school knows most of my talents. I don’t think I have any

hidden talents.”

If you could have dinner with any celebrity or athlete, who would it be? “I guess I would pick Ryan

Crouser, just so I get in his head and figure out what he does to throw.”

Who is your personal hero, and why? “I think my personal hero, it’s my mom. A strong woman, she does

a lot to support me and my family. She’s always been there along to support us and that’s why she’s my hero.”

Who makes you laugh the most on the team? “I definitely say it’s a tie between the coach, my throwers

coach and one of my teammates, Christian [Hall-Garner], ’cause he’s from my high school, so we’re pretty


What is the best advice you’ve received recently? “Best advice I’ve received recently is probably just, you

know, relax and throw, don’t put too much pressure on myself. … What’s meant to be is going to be.”

Pizza or tacos? “I’m from the Northeast, so I have to say pizza.”

If a song played every time you walked into a room, what song would that be?  “I would say ‘Eye of

the Tiger, it’s a good inspirational song.”

On your off time, what do you like to do? “On my off time I like to play ‘Fortnite,’ it’s a pretty fun game,

helps me to relax.”

— Compiled by Valeria Alanis

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