If you had a plane ticket to anywhere in the world, where would you travel? “London, England, because I like museums, so I would love to visit their museums and look at their architecture.”
If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why? “An okapi, it’s a half zebra, half giraffe kind of animal, because it’s just interesting to me. I love it, it’s different.”
If a song played every time you walked into a room, what song would that be? “Maybe Beyoncé, [sings] ‘You’re the one I love, you’re the one I need,’ I don’t know what song it is, do you know what it is? Do you know what I’m talking about?” [Laughs] The song was “Love on Top.” (I knew what it was.)
If you had one superpower, what would it be? “Telekinesis, the one where you can move stuff and you can make yourself fly. Kind of like ‘X-Men’ … what’s the evil guy’s name? Magneto! Oh, my god, he was badass, and Jean [Grey]. Jean, I wanna be like Jean.” [Laughs]
Who is the funniest player on the team? “Kellie Woodin.”
Do you have any hidden talents? “I find myself creative sometimes. If I want to draw when I have the time, then I can draw but other than that, this is it.” [Laughs]
If you weren’t playing soccer, what sport would you play? “Boxing. I do that on the side as well. My parents own a gym in San Antonio, so I go and do some training there.”
You can have one meal with one celebrity, what is your meal and who are you eating with? “Well, I like food, so it can be any meal. Maybe, like, a whole bowl of spaghetti with … you’re going to think I’m weird but, Die Antwoord. They’re kind of like a rave group. I think they’re interesting. I want to know why and I would ask questions while eating spaghetti.”
Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck? “Horse-sized duck. I think it’d be fun to ride on.”
—Compiled by Bryan Ramos