Doroteo Garcia Jr., assistant city engineer, speaks last Tuesday about an estimated project time and cost for a traffic light to be constructed at the intersection of Morrison and Laredo roads during a Brownsville City Commission meeting at City Hall. Roxanna Miranda/The Rider Photos
Last Tuesday, the Brownsville City Commission awarded a $328,250 term contract to Traf-Tex Inc. for the construction of a new traffic signal light at the intersection of Morrison and Laredo roads.
Traffic at the intersection of Morrison and Laredo roads has increased over the years, making the junction a public safety concern for both vehicle and pedestrian traffic, according to agenda documents.
Doroteo Garcia Jr., assistant city engineer, who presented the agenda item to the commission on behalf of the Engineering and Public Works Department, said there is a need for the traffic light.
On April 1, there was a two-car collision at the intersection involving a Texas Department of Public Safety unit and another vehicle. The driver of the passenger car failed to yield the right of way and collided with the unit, DPS Sgt. Maria Montalvo said in an interview with The Rider last Wednesday. The driver of the passenger car was transported to a local hospital after the accident.
Brad Burkes, a pastor at Embassy of the Spirit church, told The Rider he passed by the collision and witnessed two doors slammed in on one of the vehicles.
In an interview with The Rider after the meeting, Garcia said accidents such as the one on April 1 could be prevented with the installation of a traffic light.
Morrison Road is a major corridor that connects Interstate 69 and FM 3248 and for this reason, the project was prioritized, according to agenda documents.
The project will be constructed under the 2014 Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways and Streets and Bridges.
The project consists of furnishing and installing all materials and equipment necessary to construct a whole actuated traffic signal system.
The materials for the traffic light are estimated to arrive in six months.
From the date of delivery, the installation will take 30 to 60 days, according to Garcia.

Roxanna Miranda/The Rider Photos