Early education sophomore
“I think we should have a football team because every other UT System university has a football team, and especially if it’s big down here in Texas. Why shouldn’t we have a football team? They should be more open to other sports as well.”

Estudiante de tercer año en kinesiología
“Me parece bien, creo que va traer más gente para la ciudad. Yes buena idea para la escuela también”.

Biology junior
“I think it’s a good idea. It’s going to bring a lot of people down to the Valley, a lot of students. The population is going to increase a lot and it’s going to give us something better to do on the weekends.”

Biology junior
“I think having a football team is both a good and a bad thing. Good, because obviously it gives students a lot more things to do, you know, a lot more activities, bring everyone kind of closer together, students and faculty. But also I feel it could be kind of negative because more than likely they’ll have the football field in Edinburg and not in Brownsville, and the only reason why I’m saying that is that Edinburg already has a lot of the sport stuff, which is good, but it kind of defeats the whole purpose if we want students to have more things to do [on] the Brownsville campus. It would be more beneficial to have it over here.”
–Compiled by Michelle Espinoza and Lesley Robles