Computer science junior
“I use it about every semester and it’s only for when weird complications come up with my classes, such as right now with my course. With one of the courses I’m taking for my major, for different sections they teach for different majors, so it’s like one would teach for engineering and the other one teaches for like biomedical, but it’s the same course with the same name and so I just need to know if the one I’m taking is for my major or not.”
Filosofía tercer año
“He ido alrededor de cuatro veces, yo creo. Qué tan efectivos han sido? Creo que no mucho en lo personal. Se que hay gente que sí les ha ayudado más que nada porque no saben qué carrera ir o realmente si tienen algo con lo que tienen dudas. Yo en lo personal no he tenido muchas dudas y ha sido muy calmado todo el camino así que realmente no he ocupado la ayuda”.
Criminal justice freshman
“I’ve used it maybe two or three times per semester. It is pretty helpful for all my classes and all my questions.”

Government and sociology senior
“I’ve used them about three times this year and every time it was just a huge mess, and I actually need to go back to them because they lost the papers that I filed to substitute some classes. I am supposed to be graduating in May. I don’t know what is wrong with them. I’ve visited them a couple of times and the advisers try to help, but it is such a mess that they can’t. It is definitely due to the merger because I am from UTB, so they literally don’t even have my papers on campus and that’s because I live in Edinburg now. So, I have to drive to Brownsville anytime I want to have anything done.”
–Compiled by Michelle Espinoza and Lesley Robles