English junior
“I don’t think professors have to have certain qualities. I think it is the student’s responsibility to pay attention, so the professors just have to have the basics, which is to teach the material and be able to explain it correctly to the students. The students should be the ones who are trying to engage the professor’s lectures because it’s their obligation as a student.”
Education graduate student
“I look for professors who are understanding, who are empathetic and who teach and show us how to correct ourselves and not expect us to automatically know what they want us to do.”
Rehabilitation services freshman
“The qualities I look for in a professor are the ones that help me succeed. The ones that are motivated to help me. The ones that are not willing to give up on the student and to also keep track of them, not just after or once they are done with a class. They keep up with you and they ask about their student and they remember you. Those are the most memorable professors that you could ever ask for because those are the ones that make an impact in your life.”
Mathematics freshman
“I think a professor should have the ambition to want to teach their class and to make it fun and enjoy themselves.”
–Compiled by Michelle Espinoza and Lesley Robles