“My favorite presidential candidate would have to be Bernie Sanders because he is very supportive of young people and the goals that they want to achieve. I think that he is willing to pass legislation that is going to support young people today.”
“Hillary Clinton, because I believe she should become president because women need to think of themselves as superior than men. Hillary Clinton wants school to be affordable for all college students so that they won’t have to pay for it or take loans out.”
“Bernie Sanders. I definitely want to vote for him if he’s actually running for president because of his ideas. He’s socialistic but at the same time, like, democratic. But, he has been always about sex equality, like for gays, for homosexuals and straight people. He has always tried to help them so they can get marriage and all this stuff.”
“I don’t want Trump to win because he is stupid. With regards to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, they both have their good points. I am good with whoever wins between the two.”