“I mostly took advanced courses and those courses pretty much gave me an idea of what college should be like. So, more or less, it was just the advanced placement courses that I took in high school. Some of them were dual enrollment. For example, I think it was macroeconomics and also government. I think those were required for the general education core. Once I took care of those, I didn’t have to take them in college. … I’m glad I did that.”
“There was a lot of college classes offered to me in high school. Although I didn’t take them, I’m pretty sure I would have if I knew how much they would’ve helped me now that I’m in college. I see people that are now graduating much earlier than I am because of those courses, but either way, they did prepare us and had classes about college, like, what it was like, what you should do and etcetera. I think they did a pretty good job.”
“La preparatoria me dio los útiles necesarios para poder seguir y organizar mi tiempo. Aprendí hábitos de estudio y como organizar en los calendars y planners. Más que nada, creo que me ayudó conocerme para saber qué es lo que quería y en donde quería llegar”.
“High school provided me with a college adviser who had a lot of knowledge in the different resources on campus. Not just that, but my high school provided me with a College Awareness 5K, which was a scholarship for students. My high school also provided different resources like budgeting, opening an account, getting our email done, financial aid assistance, and TAFSA help for most of us. They also gave us a tour to different universities. It was super fun to learn about the different colleges and what they had to offer.”
–Compiled by Lesley Robles and Mario Gonzalez