“Well, what I think is I’m pro and against it, because it’s good to have it, like, not inside the campus but like in the parking lots, because I remember a case where some girl got raped, or they were trying to rape [her], so somewhere around there would be good to carry guns. But inside the campus, I don’t think so, because they’re too many kids, like, a lot from the [Brownsville Early College] High School, so I don’t think that would be a good idea. ”

“I think it’s not a good idea to have guns inside the classroom. It’s better to have it, like, maybe in the car because we live by the border and maybe an accident could happen and it’d be safe having a gun.”

“I think it’s a good thing. It wouldn’t leave other people as vulnerable if one person was able to bring a concealed gun when they weren’t supposed to. So, if everybody is able to, at least they can protect themselves from somebody that did bring a gun illegally.”

“I am for it, basically, because everyone has a right to carry something, like I do I have a right, and of course it is good for protection, but I know that some people kind of take it to federal account and that’s only because this university protects us. If it was federal we can’t have open carry because it’s the state’s right. Other than that I am all right with it. They need a little bit more guns here.”
–Compiled by Michelle Espinoza and Lesley Robles