“Ride the Cyclone,” written by Jacob Richmond and Brooke Maxwell, a dark comedic musical that takes audiences...
Art Shows
The stage in the Performing Arts Complex on the Edinburg campus was transformed into a vibrant, 1930s...
“Idle hands are the devil’s workshop” is a maxim a group of film photographers defied in the...
Flower Shop Art Studio opens new exhibition Visitors browse the Brownsville Museum of Fine Art on Aug....
Dulce “Karol” Hernandez, a graduate student in studio art with a concentration in 3D (left), talks to...
The School of Art and Design’s February and March calendars are packed with exhibits across all UTRGV...
The UTRGV School of Art and Design recently hosted the senior bachelor of fine arts design exhibition,...
A UTRGV student and a recent graduate each placed third in separate categories in the 48th International...
“Structure,” an exhibit of paintings, photographs, sculptures and prints by studio art junior Sean Hughes, continues through...
The School of Art and Design is hosting “Art: Mission CISD Agriculture Poster Exhibition” at the Charles and...