University Productions kicks off its theater season with its performance of “Tomás and the Library Lady” on...
Department prepares for upcoming projects Adalia Garza | THE RIDER After a long pause on live performances...
At the center of a theatre’s stage, a ghost light keeps away the shadows lurking from the...
To enhance the health of the performers and community, the University of Texas of Rio Grande Valley...
Oliver Goldsmith’s 1773 classic, “She Stoops to Conquer,” will soon amuse and entertain audiences this weekend at...
“The Little Big-Top Circus of Illusions” is a new, original musical that will open this week and...
UTRGV Productions will perform “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time,” based on a book...
Act 2 of “Malinalli,” a musical about the conquest of the Aztecs written by UTRGV creative writing...
UTRGV University Production’s first show of the season, “Death and the Maiden,” a political thriller focusing on...