Nineteen-year-olds Juan Taylor, Robert Brown and 18-year-old Jaeden Servantes were arraigned today following their arrest for a...
Breaking News
Around 9 p.m. Tuesday, the Edinburg Police Department responded to an alleged auto-cyclist collision involving three UTRGV...
UTRGV Diving coach Jennifer Mangum COURTESY PHOTO Wednesday, head swimming and diving coach Betsy Graham announced the...
The UTRGV Department of Intercollegiate Athletics announced Thursday the signing of the first three members of the...
Natalie Lapsley/THE RIDER GRAPHIC UTRGV’s Office of the Dean of Students today revealed the results of the...
The UTRGV political science faculty has issued a formal request for an apology from Luis H. Zayas,...
University officials provide update on prospective facility Last Thursday, over 100 students and faculty from the School...
A McAllen immigration attorney says the DACA program is “in jeopardy” because of a federal judge’s latest...
Texas abolishes the ‘tampon tax’ Senate Bill 379 went into effect Sept. 1 in Texas, exempting menstrual hygiene...
A hearing on Gov. Greg Abbott’s appeal to leave the floating barrier in the Rio Grande near...