Today Motivational Monday University Recreation will have a smoothie bar, healthy eating tips, recipes, food samples and...
Today Poker Tournament A poker tournament will take place at 12:30 p.m. in the Game Room on...
Tuesday UNO Tournament An UNO tournament will take place at 12:30 p.m. in the Game Room on...
Today Vaquero Hot Chocolate The Student Union will have a hot chocolate bar with toppingsto choose from...
Today 12 Days of Fitness Students can complete the workout of the day from 6 a.m. to...
Today IEW Opening Ceremony The UTRGV International Admissions and Student Services department is having an opening ceremony...
Today National Roll Call Day The Student Union will honor all veterans from 9 a.m. to 2...
Today Vaquero Ice Cream Bar Free ice cream with various toppings to choose from will be served...
Today Vaquero Ice Cream Bar Free ice cream with various toppings to choose from will be served...
Today Campfire Building University Recreation will host clinics for campfire construction, starting methods and fire safety at...