Today Edinburg Meet and Greet Christians at RGV will have a meet and greet from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m....
Today Study Bites The Student Leadership Academy and Center for Student Involvement will host mini leadership lessons...
Today Sundaes on Mondays The Student Union will serve free ice cream sundaes from noon to 1...
Today Edinburg Tabling Christians at RGV will host a tabling from 11:45 to 1 p.m. in Student Union Room 1.300...
Today ‘Empowerment in Action’ Fraternity and Sorority Life will host an educational session to discuss topics such as violence prevention...
Today Beach Bites: Bite Sized Leadership Lessons The Center for Student Involvement and Student Leadership Academy will host a mini leadership lesson...
Today Adviser Panel The Center for Student Involvement will host an adviser series where new, current or potential advisers can attend...
Today Horn Recital Monica C. Martinez, an assistant professor of horn, will perform new and traditional horn repertoire...
Today Sex Education Talk About It UTRGV will host “Sex-Ed in the Dark,” where participants can enjoy games, sexual...
Today Student Recognition Q&A The Center for Student Involvement will distribute information about the Student Leader Recognition...