UTRGV celebrates Earth Fest Debani Alaffa (left), an integrated health science junior, and Abigail Diaz, an art...
The Office of Advocacy and Violence Prevention, UTRGV University Police and Student Health hosted Denim Day on...
A UTRGV student uses the crosswalk April 11 in front of the Interdisciplinary Academic Building on the...
University Police advises the UTRGV community to sign up for a Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events...
Editor’s Note: This is the second in a series about the struggles international students face before and...
At UTRGV, the ASL Club not only encourages students to learn American Sign Language, but it also...
The Counseling Center at UTRGV offers students free, 24/7 access to virtual care services for mental health...
In observance of Responsible Pet Owners Month, Hidalgo County Precinct 3 launched a pet supply drive earlier...
Despite the controversy over sexual health education in Texas, there are plenty of resources available for college...
Breast Cancer Awareness Month, held in October every year, aims to promote screening and prevention of the...