The Edinburg City Council recognized Valentin Hernandez, a 98-year-old World War II U.S. Army veteran, during its...
Felix Sauceda was confirmed as police chief during the Brownsville City Commission meeting Tuesday. The former commander...
The feeling of uncertainty can storm down a parent when their child receives a diagnosis, but when...
To avoid losing federal research funding, universities will have to comply with President Trump’s new executive order,...
The City of McAllen will seek to request reimbursement from the federal government for costs associated with...
The City of Edinburg is among the top 20 finalists for the All-America City Award, Mayor Richard...
As SpaceX continues to test its Starship Hopper prototype, Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño Jr. has ordered...
Local leaders say the new STARGATE Technology Center will open doors for students, faculty and entrepreneurs interested...
A resident voiced her concern about bids to purchase equipment for the Department of Solid Waste Management...
The bidding process for a State Highway 48, also known as Boca Chica Boulevard, raised median will...