The Brownsville City Commission has voted to keep the Resaca Fee, which helps restore resacas, fixed at...
Los votantes de Texas fueron a las urnas el martes pasado, dando luz verde a 13 de...
Texas voters cast their ballot Tuesday night, apparently giving the green light to 13 of the 14...
The Brownsville City Commission has voted to extend the public hearing on the proposed Roadway Capital Recovery...
Art Exhibit The Brownsville Museum of Fine Art will host the opening of the “Zapotec Legacy-Three generations of Alebrijes Artistry” exhibit...
The Edinburg Consolidated Independent School District has presented a proposal for a Voter Approved Tax Ratification to...
The City of Brownsville is accepting bids for its $1.1 million Bus Stop Improvement Project until the...
A Brownsville Police Department official says after-hours establishments have increased the department’s call volume, spurring plans for...
UTRGV Athletics announced the McAllen International Airport as the university’s official airport to provide Vaqueros a better...
The Edinburg City councilmembers listened to residents’ concerns during a public hearing Tuesday for a rezoning request...