Alejandra Yañez | THE RIDER As of Thursday, 64,382 voters had cast their in-person and mail-in ballots...
Jacqueline Peraza | EDITOR-IN-CHIEF After nine weeks of class, UTRGV professors have administered online exams, and students...
Election set on amendment to suspend future officials who face felony indictment Fernanda Figueroa | THE RIDER...
City of Brownsville to add laboratory for testing Brigitte Ortiz | THE RIDER The Brownsville City Commission...
Alejandra Yañez | THE RIDER Editor’s Note: The Rider interviewed Jimmy Gonzales, the team physician and chief...
Omar E. Zapata | THE RIDER Hidalgo County had a total of 88,103 ballots cast, either through...
Alejandra Yañez | THE RIDER Last Friday, bars in Cameron County were allowed to reopen at 50%...
The following are among the incidents reported to University Police between Oct. 6 and 12. Oct. 6...
UREC hosts virtual Zoombathon Paulina Longoria | THE RIDER University Recreation will host its annual Stronger Than...
Paulina Longoria | THE RIDER To celebrate Filipino American History Month, the Cultural Council is hosting Netflix...