The following are among the incidents reported to University Police between Sept. 1 and 3. Sept. 1...
Fernanda Figueroa | THE RIDER With early voting beginning on Oct. 13, here is what you need...
Paulina Longoria | THE RIDER UTRGV International Admissions and Student Services (IASS) and Festival Internacional de Otoño...
Culture and recipes shared Brigitte Ortiz | THE RIDER Hispanic Heritage Month is intended to pay tribute...
Omar E. Zapata | THE RIDER As a teenager, I always had this lingering question about who...
Alejandra Yañez | THE RIDER Sept. 15 through Oct. 15 marks National Hispanic Heritage Month in the...
A look at Hispanic and Latina women’s experiences Sol Garcia | THE RIDER During her undergraduate career,...
Paulina Longoria | THE RIDER La oficina de Admisiones Internacionales y Servicios Estudiantiles de UTRGV (IASS, por...
Karina Rodriguez | THE RIDER Folktales are stories that can help preserve Hispanic culture. They originate from oral pieces that...
Alejandra Yañez | THE RIDER The tragedy that transpired on Sept. 11, 2001 will forever be remembered...