The RGV College Democrats hosted “The Future of Texas Politics,” a town hall forum which featured five...
Six UTRGV civil engineering students will participate Wednesday in the National GeoWall Competition in Minneapolis, where they...
The UTRGV Office of Professional Education and Workforce Development created a Sustainability Student Leadership Program to enhance...
Charreada, una tradición que comenzó en 2016, tendrá lugar el miércoles de 4 a 7 p.m. en...
On Jan. 22, Vaquero Radio learned it had been awarded a $1,000 station grant from The College...
Chess is traditionally a quiet game, but for UTRGV accounting senior Vladimir Belous channeling his inner anger...
This semester, Ruth Carter, an Academy Award-winning costume designer, will be the Distinguished Speaker Series guest at...
UTRGV students and people of all ages enjoyed a lively concert performed by the San Diego Marine...
Today Poker Tournament A poker tournament will take place at 12:30 p.m. in the Game Room on...
This week, FESTIBA 2020, following its theme of building a better world, will bring concerts, art exhibits,...