The Brownsville City Commission on Tuesday conducted the first of two public hearings on a new code...
With 611 of 993 votes in the Student Government Association Elections, Mission Possible has been elected as...
With cheers and applause, an audience of more than 200 people welcomed Mr. Amigo 2018 Arturo Elías...
Mr. Amigo 2018 Arturo Elías Ayub se unió a la celebración del “Encuentro Binacional” el pasado jueves...
Tres profesoras de UTRGV sostuvieron sus presentaciones sobre historias hispanas y eventos históricos chicanos durante el Festival...
BCycle will replace Zagster as the new vendor for the BikeShare Rio Grande Valley program to start...
Mr. Amigo 2018 Arturo Elías Ayub joined the annual Hands Across the Border ceremony last Thursday to...
More than 45 people attended an exhibit last Wednesday at the University Library on the Brownsville campus...
UTRGV celebrated the Festival of International Books and Arts (FESTIBA) Feb. 25 through Sunday with events including...
UTRGV philosophy professors received an award for their work in Dual Education, which promotes bilingual studies. Alex...