Thirty-five teams, each consisting of five students from middle to high school and a coach from across...
The Brownsville City Commissioners tabled action on the relocation of the Jefferson Davis Highway Memorial after Mayor...
Nombre: Sabrina Graf Edad: 25 años Clasificación: Estudiante de negocios de segundo año País de origen: Bruck...
HESTEC Week is underway with numerous events organized by the Office of Community Relations. Hispanic Engineering, Science...
Name: Pre-Law Student Association Purpose: To provide information that will prepare members for their future careers in...
The UTRGV Counseling Center will provide free screenings in the student unions on both the Brownsville and...
The Performing Arts Complex auditorium was full of eager students, professors and other listeners waiting to hear...
La audiencia fue cautivada por la escritora bilingüe de literatura creativa y poeta Griselda Jane Castillo mientras...
The Area Health Education Centers program is an ongoing project that will provide free health care to...
Today Omojo Percussion Duo UTRGV Patron of the Arts will present the Omojo Percussion Duo at 7...