The UTRGV Theatre Department is currently in the final stages of preparation for the opening night of...
“I think it’s very unprofessional the way it is. A lot of the ceilings have nails sticking...
The newly elected Student Government Association executive team hopes to push B3 Institute resources and diversity as...
To educate students about cultural differences, economics and political factors in the Rio Grande Valley, the Civic...
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund is collaborating with the City of Edinburg and UTRGV to host “The...
The Texas Senate passed a bill prohibiting drag performers from dancing in the presence of children, stating...
Rulings limiting access to the drug mifepristone, which is often used to end a pregnancy, has differences...
To address clean energy issues, 40% of benefits of certain covered federal investments will be relocated toward...
Town hall discusses growing frustrations about UTRGV art facilities A town hall forum was held at the...
March 29 10:42 a.m.: An employee in the cooling plant on the Edinburg campus reported the closed-circuit...