Name: Olivia Silva Major: Sociology Classification: Freshman Graduation date: Spring 2026 Hometown: Matamoros, Tamaulipas, México What are the differences between your hometown...
Nombre: Olivia Silva Carrera: Sociología Clasificación: Estudiante de primer año Fecha de graduación: Primavera 2026 Ciudad natal: Matamoros, Tamaulipas, México ¿Cuáles son...
El Departamento de Literatura y Estudios Culturales de UTRGV, el Centro de Estudios México-Americanos, el Centro de...
University officials talk new equipment, construction for School of Art and Design With a budget of about...
Suicide is the 11th-leading cause of death in the United States with over 48,000 deaths in 2021,...
Texas abolishes the ‘tampon tax’ Senate Bill 379 went into effect Sept. 1 in Texas, exempting menstrual hygiene...
A hearing on Gov. Greg Abbott’s appeal to leave the floating barrier in the Rio Grande near...
The $5 million drainage construction project in the Quad on the Edinburg campus started in November 2021...
Name: Lea Karren Major: Mass Communication Classification: Senior Graduation date: Spring 2024 Hometown: Pont I’Abbé, France Extracurricular activities: “I’m part of the women’s...
Nombre: Lea Karren Carrera: Comunicación de Masas Clasificación: Estudiante de último año Fecha de graduación: Primavera 2024 Ciudad natal: Puente I’Abbé, Francia...